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Home / Templates / 90 Christmas Wishes for Daughter: Best Messages for Christmas Card

90 Christmas Wishes for Daughter: Best Messages for Christmas Card

By Lydia | Follow twitter | Updated on December 14, 2023
The countdown has begun… Santa Claus is coming to town!!!

We are sure you must be excited for Christmas, but guess who'd be more excited? It's probably your daughter! Besides thoughtful gifts, why don't you send heartwarming Christmas wishes for daughter for a memorable gift experience?


To help you write the perfect Christmas wishes for your daughter, we have compiled 90 funny and heartwarming wishes to help you pour your heart out and convey your unending love and pride this festive season. You can use the SwifDoo PDF to make a Christmas card and write your own Christmas wishes for your daughter.

25 Common Christmas Wishes for Daughter

These Christmas quotes for your daughter will surely fill her with cheers, happiness, and fun.

  1. I know how much you embrace and really love Christmas, so it'll be fun to spend it with you. I am looking forward to a brilliant festive season.
  2. You have given us precious memories, abundant happiness in our lives, and love in our hearts. I wish you a joyful Merry Christmas, dear daughter!
  3. You have made our family so special. Happy Christmas to our loving daughter.
  4. May the radiant smile on your face never fade away amidst life's difficulties. Keep growing to be a free spirit and follow your heart.
  5. Merry Christmas to our darling daughter. The best part of our Christmas season is getting to spend it with you!
  6. I have so many treasured and precious memories of you from over the years. You've always loved Christmas, and I've loved watching you enjoy it.
  7. May you receive the blessings of the Almighty during this holiday season. Merry Christmas to our beautiful daughter!
  8. To my daughter on Christmas, wishes and kisses for wonderful you! Happy Christmas, my Princess!
  9. Proud, blessed, and happy! That's what we are to have a daughter like you! Merry Christmas!
  10. We wanted you to know that you are one of the most precious gifts we have ever been blessed with. Merry Christmas!
  11. From the little, shy girl I remember to the strong, beautiful woman you've become, I've always been proud to call you my daughter.
  12. We hope you have a Christmas filled with as much happiness and love as you have brought us. Happy holidays!
  13. As you celebrate, may the beauty of the Christmas holiday season surround you and fill your heart with happiness.
  14. We've seen you grow from a girl into a successful and beautiful woman. That's definitely one of the best gifts that we have ever received! Merry Christmas to my daughter!
  15. Know what I wish for this Christmas? More time for us to hang out. I can never get enough! Merry Christmas, my precious daughter!
  16. We hope you know how deeply your sweet spirit has touched our lives. You are like our own special Angel, and we are so thankful for you. Merry Christmas!
  17. You are the joy and happiness of our lives, and the festive Christmas season is merrier with you. Merry Christmas, daughter!
  18. To my beautiful daughter! May you have more smiles, fun, and moments of sheer happiness this Christmas holiday season than you ever imagined possible!
  19. May the melody of Christmas fill your heart with love, and the season's lights guide you to happiness.
  20. Merry Christmas my beautiful daughter! We hope your Christmas is as amazing as you!
  21. No matter how hectic and tedious the holiday season gets, my heart's never too busy to think of you and how lucky I am to be your mom/dad. Merry Christmas, daughter!
  22. Beautiful and blessed. That's what you are, Daughter! Merry Christmas to a woman who's highly favored.
  23. Merry Christmas, our beautiful daughter. We're so proud of you and grateful for having you in our lives. Enjoy the holiday season.
  24. To my daughter on Christmas, I wish you a Christmas Eve filled with the warmth of family, the love of friends, and the happiness and joy of the season.
  25. I know something you should know: You are a wonderful gift, and we love you so much! Merry Christmas!

Christmas wishes for daughter

Get the Christmas Wish Card for Your Daughter >>

Make a card with your selected Christmas message for your daughter using the SwifDoo PDF, and edit or annotate the PDF template card accordingly.

20 Funny Christmas Wishes for Daughter

These humorous and funny Christmas wishes for daughter are Instagram-perfect for Christmas.

  1. Here's to hoping the only drama this Christmas is the one on television. Enjoy the festivities!
  2. Dear daughter, I know how you would not want to watch your weight this year, so I have stolen your bathroom scale for the month. Merry Christmas!
  3. We truly love having you around at Christmas… as it's another pair of hands to help clean up!
  4. Christmas is all about family, close friends, and togetherness, but, of course, a few gifts and cards never hurt anybody. Merry Christmas!
  5. May your Christmas season be filled with less fruitcake and more fun. Merry Christmas, my beautiful daughter!
  6. May your gifts be many, your stress be less, and your Christmas cookies be extra delicious! Merry Christmas!
  7. Darling daughter, I wish you a bounty of caffeine and patience to see you through the season.
  8. Are you excited about spending Christmas Eve with your loving family or maybe the after-holiday sales? Don't answer! I think I can guess.
  9. I wish you a Christmas so merry that even your tinsel is untangled! Merry Christmas to my daughter!
  10. Happy Christmas to my dearest daughter. I put so much thought into your gift that it's too late to get it now!
  11. I hope your Christmas holiday season is filled with joy, success, and laughter, and the fruitcake is nowhere in sight.
  12. I promise you all the choco-chip cookies and milk you can handle only if you stick around a little longer this year – I've missed you so much! Merry Christmas!
  13. Every Christmas, I am reminded of how wonderful it is and how blessed we are to have such a sweet daughter... we will pretend the teenage years never happened. Happy holidays, my darling!
  14. It's that time of year again when you discover what Christmas magic is about – Black Friday sales and extended returns. Merry Christmas, dear daughter! Let's go shopping!
  15. It's beginning to cost a lot, like Christmas, no matter where you go— I wish you a Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!
  16. May your Christmas tree be straighter and larger than Santa's sleigh, and your jokes be funnier than a holiday cracker.
  17. Being nice all year round may get you more gifts and presents, but being a bit naughty occasionally is a gift unto itself! Merry Christmas!
  18. The Christmas season might be for kids, but that does not mean we can not enjoy it too… of course, until the credit card bill arrives, anyway!
  19. It's all holiday spirit and cheer until Santa pulls out the naughty list. I better hope he doesn't check twice! Merry Christmas!
  20. May you always find coupon codes, no matter where you do your holiday shopping. Merry Christmas my beautiful daughter, and Happy New Year!

Christmas wishes for daughter

Download the Christmas Wishes Card for Your Daughter>>

Now wish Christmas and Happy New Year wishes to you and your family with the SwifDoo PDF, and feel free to add stickers and images to your card.

If you want to wish Christmas to your children, don't forget to check this article:

50 Heartwarming Merry Christmas Wishes for Kids – Spread Joy and Magic

50 Heartwarming Merry Christmas Wishes for Kids – Spread Joy and Magic

Share Santa's arrival and Christmas's joy with these funny, inspirational, religious, and heartfelt Merry Christmas wishes for kids to enjoy the festive spirit.


22 Christmas Wishes for Little Daughter

When your little daughter is growing up, add to her festive memories by writing lovely Christmas quotes for your daughter.

  1. Dear Sweetie, you are an incredible gift we are thankful for every day, primarily on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!
  2. My daughter, you are as sweet as candy canes, as precious as gems & jewels, as brilliant as a star, and priceless ever to let go! Merry Christmas my beautiful daughter!
  3. Wishing our girl the happiest holidays and all the joy the festive season brings.
  4. Everyone loves you. How could they not? You're a bundle of care that we cannot help but love a lot! Merry Christmas, Daughter!
  5. Dearest daughter. The greatest gift we have ever received was you. We are truly blessed to have such a perfect daughter. Merry Christmas!
  6. You keep bringing us joy, Princess, and making us proud. You are indeed a fabulous daughter, and we love you so much! Merry Christmas!
  7. No matter how busy the holidays get, I'll always have time for you, my precious. Merry Christmas, dear.
  8. Hey Precious, we have a sweet Angel in you. We wish you a blessed, joyous, and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  9. You are the apple of your daddy's eye. Don't tell anyone, but you are my favorite! Happy Christmas, my Princess!
  10. Almighty's best gift that we have ever received is YOU! Merry Christmas my beautiful daughter.
  11. Dear Daughter, May your Christmas bring you a day of wonder and make your wishes come true! Merry Christmas!
  12. Merry Christmas, dear daughter! I hope you never lose your childlike enthusiasm and wonder for the holiday season.
  13. To my daughter on Christmas, you are even brighter than the star at the top of our Christmas tree. Have a lovely Christmas.
  14. From your pretty little head to your cute little feet, you are very special. You mean so much to me, my Princess! Merry Christmas!
  15. I'll always do all I can to make your dreams come true, so you achieve whatever you set out to. Merry Christmas, my sweet little Angel.
  16. Dear daughter, I am so proud of you and all you've achieved. May you have a lovely Christmas.
  17. Hey Princess! You are a magical gift that keeps us captivated and happy. We love you for being you! Merry Christmas!
  18. To our adorable little daughter – Happy Christmas from mom and dad! Enjoy all your gifts!
  19. To my daughter on Christmas, a big thank you for the happiness and joy you have brought every day since birth and for everything you've added to my life. Merry Christmas!
  20. Sweetie! May you have a Christmas that is sprinkled with love and goodness.
  21. Happy holiday, my dear sunshine! May the Christmas season bring you all the peace, joy, and happiness in the world. Merry Christmas.
  22. There has never been anyone in our life who has made it as bright as you have. Merry Christmas to my daughter!

Christmas wishes for daughter

Use the Christmas Wish Card for Your Little Daughter>>

Once you select your Christmas message for your daughter, prepare a Christmas Card from scratch or use the readymade templates available with the SwifDoo PDF.

23 Christmas Wishes for Daughter and Son-in-Law

Let's delve into some heartwarming Christmas wishes for your daughter and son-in-law perfect for conveying your warmest sentiments during this festive season.

  1. May this festive season strengthen your bond as a couple and fill your home with endless love and happiness. Merry Christmas!
  2. May the divine love of Christ bless your home this Christmas and guide you, my daughter and son-in-law, through the coming year.
  3. Our family is made even more beautiful and amazing because of you. Merry Christmas to our daughter and son-in-law!
  4. Dear daughter and son-in-law, while it's fun to focus on festive cheer, the true meaning of Christmas is much more special: the smile you share, the love you show, and the affection you constantly let grow. Our wish for you this Christmas day is to experience this fully every day.
  5. To a special couple, may your Christmas be as bright and cheerful as the love you share. I wish you both a season of joy and togetherness.
  6. Merry Christmas to our cherished daughter and son-in-law. May your home nearby be a haven of warmth, love, and holiday cheer.
  7. Having a daughter and son-in-law like the two of you has brought us joy and happiness in our own lives. You two are very special, and we wish you the most phenomenal holiday together! Merry Christmas With Love!
  8. It's a joy to have you near us during the holidays. Wishing you a Christmas as wonderful as the love you both share.
  9. We hope that your holiday season is filled with phenomenal moments that bring the same happiness to your life as you have got to ours. Sending Christmas wishes for my daughter and her family.
  10. Wishing you both a festive season filled with the warmth of love & smiles and the joy of togetherness. May each day bring you laughter, happiness, and cherished memories. Happy holidays to a beautiful couple!
  11. Dear daughter and Son-in-Law, you make our lives even more meaningful! May your holiday season be as wonderful as yours! Merry Christmas!
  12. Happy holidays to my daughter and son-in-law! May this season be a reminder of all the beautiful things in life, including the joy of having you in our family. Here's to a season filled with love, laughter, and happiness.
  13. Darling daughter, you are the most admirable person I know. You handle stress and pressure with grace and poise. May you forever be blessed. To our son-in-law, thank you for always watching over our precious treasure. May you be blessed beyond all measure.
  14. May this season be a time of relaxation, joy, and sweet moments with each other and those you love. Here's to a festive season filled with warmth, cheer, and the magic of love. May your holiday be as wonderful as the love you share.
  15. Merry Christmas my beautiful daughter and son-in-law. May you two have a wonderful Christmas Eve and season to cherish for many years to come.
  16. May this festive season bring endless joy and love to my dear daughter and son-in-law. May your days be merry, your evenings bright, and your hearts filled with all the season's delights. Wishing you a wonderful holiday and a fantastic New Year!
  17. Wishing my daughter and son-in-law a Christmas filled with cozy moments and shared joy. Merry Christmas!
  18. To a beloved daughter and son-in-law, may God richly bless your life and holiday season with joy as you experience the true spirit of Christmas, which will lighten your paths going forward.
  19. To my daughter on Christmas and our beloved son-in-law, Merry Christmas to you both. I hope God blesses you guys with tremendous happiness only.
  20. Happy holidays to a fantastic couple! May your home be filled with laughter and your hearts with love this festive season. Here's to creating beautiful memories together.
  21. To a special daughter and son-in-law, may the festive season wrap you in its warm embrace and bring you limitless moments of joy and togetherness.
  22. Merry Christmas, dear daughter, and son-in-law. I hope you guys have a better and joyous year ahead than the last one.
  23. To my beloved daughter and son-in-law, may the festive season bring you closer and fill your days with the warmth of love and the joy of shared experiences.

Christmas wishes for daughter

Free Download the Christmas Wishes Card for Your Daughter >

Print and send these Christmas messages for your daughter and son-in-law with the SwifDoo PDF virtually or physically.

Lydia is an English columnist for AWZware. She is familiar with different technology products such as office software, location changers, and video software applications. Focused on tech blog writing, she is willing to solve your problems with up-to-date information.

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